Changes from the previous version of the rules are in red text.
1. Minimum of 8 players, are required to play a game. The batting order shall consist of a minimum of 8 players. In the case that there is only 8 players in total, the catcher will be provided by the opposing team but only to throw back the pitches. The catcher will not be responsible for any plays. If a team has injuries later and get down to 8 players, the opposing team can still provide the catcher and game can continue.
2. Opposing team MUST supply a catcher to a team if it has only 8-players. However he/she will not be responsible for any plays. Their job is only to throw back the ball to the pitcher.
3. No player can be added to batting line up after the completion of the 2nd inning (before the first pitch of 3rd inning) for Tier 2 and Tier 3. No player can be added to batting line up after the completion of the 3rd inning (before the first pitch of 4th inning) for Tier 1.
4. Game UMPIRE is the ultimate authority in the park.
5. Any argument with an Umpire, resulting in an Umpires decision to eject the player(s) will be an automatic 1 game suspension for the same player(s) for the first offence and/or a fine. The Player(s) will be made aware of their future suspension lengths by the Committee. Commissioner has authority to set fines and suspensions for activity he deems unacceptable at any time and does not require an ejection.
6. Any ejected/suspended player(s) are required to leave the field immediately or their team shall forfeit the game and the player will receive an additional suspension or fine. ETSL Committee will review all Umpire ejections and may add to the suspension period. Repeat offenders may be suspended from future games or season.
7. Only a Captain is permitted to discuss an Umpires call with the other Captain and the Umpire. Umpires decision is Final during the game.
8. No profanity, in any language, shall be tolerated. A team has the right to place a grievance with the Umpire if profanity was uttered in any language. Umpire may warn and/or expel the player(s) from the game/park. ETSL Committee will review all Umpire ejections and may add to the suspension period. Repeat offenders may be suspended from future games or season.
9. ETSL supports a commitment line. Touching the plate or mat at home is considered an out.
10. Anticipation of 2 steps is acceptable but lead-off is forbidden (when the ball is crossing the plate).
11. Sliding is permitted except at home plate.
12. A maximum of 3 courtesy runners are permitted during a game for Tier 2 (4 for Tier 1). Any player can be a courtesy runner. You can courtesy a courtesy. If the courtesy runner is due up to bat and there is 0 remaining courtesies, the runner will have their at-bat declared an out. The courtesy runner will continue to remain on the base and the next batter in the lineup is due.
14. A pitched ball is required to have a minimum height of 6 feet and a maximum of 12 feet, as per the judgement of the Umpire. If the umpire says "illegal pitch", the pitch is considered a ball UNLESS the batter decides to swing at it.
15. In the absence of an Umpire or Committee Member, two team Managers will mutually decide upon the person responsible to Umpire the game.
16. Grace period of 15-minutes from listed time will be observed before a game is defaulted. If youbhave 8 players at the field the game will start.
17. 5-run mercy rule is in effect in every inning from 1st inning to the 6th inning unless last inning is called by the umpire or its the 7th inning (9th inning for Tier 1) for which unlimited runs may be scored.
18. Third strike foul is an out.
19. There is +15 mercy after 5th inning only for Tier 2/3. There is a +15 mercy after the 7th inning for Tier 1.
20. No new inning shall start after one hour and 10 minutes from the scheduled start time. Umpire has authority to use his judgement on whether an additional inning can be completed when timing is close. If lights go out or timing for other game is impacted (they don't get the full 1hr 25min gametime) the inning will be called off and we will revert to the previously finished inning. Commissioner can also overrule the timing decision made by the ump and can extend or call last inning at anytime. 1st game slot when there are 3 games in the night gets the benefit of the doubt on time extension (if it's relatively close).
21. A forfeit is a loss of 10-0. The winning team players are credited with 1gp while NONE of the players from the team that forfeited gets games played credit.
22. A 24-hour advanced notice is required if a team is to forfeit a game. Failure to notify will result in a $75 fine. The fine is required to be paid by the team before its next scheduled game or the next game shall be forfeited for an additional fine of $50.
23. Home Plate AND the mat will be considered a strike.
24. A minimum of 3 games are required for a player to play in the playoffs. Players that show up to the field at the start of game time will be credited with a game played even if they do not participate in the actual game. No ringers after Game 10 for Season 2023 for all tiers.
25. The criteria used for tiebreakers for Tier 1 and Tier 3 playoff spots will start with POINTS, WIN-LOSS, HEAD to HEAD RECORD, LEAGUE RUN DIFFERENTIAL, BEST DEFENCE, BEST OFFENCE and COIN TOSS (best of 7). In the event that more than two teams are tied for the last playoff spot, you would use the same formula until the tie is broken and you re-apply the ENTIRE tie-breaking formula to the remaining teams. If head to head applies, THEN IT WILL BE THE DECIDING FACTOR before run differential.
The criteria for Tier 2 tiebreaker (Comp Division) is Points, wins and then league run differential. If still tied then we look at head to head record, best defence, best offence . If three or more teams are tied for last playoff spot then this formula would still apply. Only exception is if 2 teams are tied for the last playoff spot. Then we do points, wins, and head to head record.
26. Batting lineup is required to be submitted before start of game and not in the middle of the first inning.
27. A Complete game is 7 innings. However, if a game is called off prior to the 7 innings of play: All games will be deemed as complete after 5 full innings of play for both tiers. Which ever team leads at the end of the inning will be proclaimed the winner. If the score is tied, then both teams will receive a point. An inning is complete when the home team (team batting second) has completed all 3 outs. For playoffs, if a game is tied and it goes to extra innings, we will start the inning with a player at 2nd and one out. The player must be the last recorded out of the previous inning.
28. Rainouts: Any games cancelled or stopped due to weather conditions will be postponed till a future date unless 5 full innings have been completed. The team leading after 5 innings will be proclaimed as the winner (6 innings for 9 inning games). An inning is complete when the home team (team batting second) has completed all 3 outs. If the game is called off before the 7th inning is complete, then the score after the 6th inning will be used to determine the winner. If there is another rainout on the makeup date then the games scheduled for that day will be considered a tie and everyone gets a game played that is on the official roster.
29. Pitching/pitching mound: The pitcher shall take a position within 3 feet wide 10 feet long box starting from the marker defined as the 'Pitcher's Box'. You may pitch from the marker as long as both feet are touching the marker to begin the pitch. Once you start the pitch, one foot must remain planted on the ground or the marker throughout their delivery.
30. The number of players in the field can never exceed 10.
31. In the case of an injury to a player who can no longer bat, the player may be substituted for a player that is sitting on the bench but has not played in the game. If there is no substitute, the injured player will be an automatic out their first time through the lineup after the injury only. Once the injured player has been replaced by another batter in the lineup, the injured player may not re-enter the game. Any players that are on the bench can be substituted with players in the game. Pinch-hitters are allowed just as long as the pinch hitter has yet to play in the game defensively and offensively. Once the pinch-hitter is inserted into the game, the batter that he/she replaced may no longer play on the offensive and defensive end. In the case of a pinch hitter, both the scorekeeper and the opposing captain must be informed so that they are aware on who may no longer play in the game. Scorekeeper is required to be informed prior to the game that the team has substitutes that are not in the batting lineup to begin the game. Substitutes need to be at the field before the end of the 2nd inning.
32. Everyone playing in the field IS REQUIRED to bat unless such player has been substituted prior to their at-bat.
33. Everyone playing in the field is REQUIRED to wear a current jersey that is fully visible. Jackets and sweaters must be worn underneath the jersey and not on top. All players batting or fielding a position must wear the jersey or they cannot play. Only exception is if the supplier made a mistake and the player did not receive their jersey.
34. If a runner passes the commit line on their way home, an out can only be recorded if the ball is thrown home, is caught by the catcher with their foot touching home plate, prior to the runner crossing the home plate line. A runner cannot be tagged out after crossing the commit line.
35. 1st base has a "safety base". As such, there will be a base for the first baseperson to touch and a separate base for the runner to step on. If the first baseman has foot on base that is designated for runner, the runner is safe based on the judgement of the umpire.
36. A player can overrun 1st base ONLY, and they must stay in foul play when doing so. If you overrun 1st base into fair play, you can be tagged for an out; BASED ON JUDGEMENT BY UMPIRE.
37. Wooden bats are not allowed. Only ASA Approved SOFTBALL bats can be used during games for Tier 1. Tier 2 can use ASA or NSA SOFTBALL bats. Teams are not required to share their bats with their opponents. Please bring your own bats.
38. Metal Cleats are NOT permitted.
39. Commissioner can amend/adjust rules at his discretion anytime.
1. He has three strikes (a foul with 2 strikes is an out as well)
2. He bunts the ball
1. Players must bat in the order listed on the score sheet. (Player is automatically out if their at bat is skipped)
1. A +/- 3 differential between homeruns will be implemented. Any homerun after that will be an automatic out. Only Homeruns over the fence and not inside the park homeruns.
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